German, 1876–1964
August Sander favored objective detail, uncompromising true-to-life representation, and a comparative approach to photography. His visual portrayals of farmers, workers, students, families, tradespeople, artists, and the bourgeoisie from early-twentieth-century Germany highlight both the individuality of the sitter and the typical traits of social and occupational groups, genders, and generations. In "Antlitz der Zeit" ("The Face of Our Time"), a 60-image portfolio from his ongoing master project "Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts" ("Citizens of the Twentieth Century"), Sander worked to create an exact photography that contextualized and emphasized varying social strata and underscored the psychology of a period, unsentimentally capturing a society faced with transition. His highly controlled portraits utilized the details of clothing, pose, props, and landscape to succinctly describe a subject. Systematically culled from nearly 40,000 images, and arranged into seven archetypal categories—such as The Farmer and Classes and Professions. Sander’s project was published in numerous volumes over many years, but it remained unfinished at the time of his death.
Abgebauter Seemann (Unemployed Sailor)
Abgeordneter (Demokrat) (Member of Parliament, Democrat)
Arbeiterfamilie (Working-class Family)
Arbeiterrat aus dem Ruhrgebiet (Worker's Council from the Ruhr)
Arbeitslos (Jobless)
Bäuerin aus dem Westerwald (Westerwald Farming Woman)
Bäuerliches Brautpaar (Engaged Farming Couple)
Bauerngeneration (Three Generations of a Farming Family)
Bauernmädchen (Country Girls)
Bauernpaar aus dem Westerwald (Westerwald Farming Couple)
Berliner Kohlenträger (Berlin Coal-carrier)
Berliner Tapezierermeister (Master Upholsterer)
Betriebsingenieur (Production Engineer)
Bildhauerin (Sculptress)
Bohème (Bohemians)
Boxer (Boxers)
Bürgerkind (Middle-class Child)
Bürgerliche Famile (Middle-class Family)
Bürgerliches berufstätiges Ehepaar (Professional Middle-class Couple)
Corpsstudent (Fraternity Student)
Der Architekt. Professor Dr. P., Berlin (The Architect, Prof. P., Berlin)[Hans Poelzig]
Der Arzt. Professor Dr. Schl., Berlin (The Doctor, Prof. Schl., Berlin)[Carl Robert Schlayer]
Der Herr Lehrer (The Schoolmaster)
Der Herrenbauer (Gentleman Farmer and Wife)
Der Industrielle (The Industrialist)
Der junge Kaufmann (Young Businessman)
Der Komponist P.H. (The Composer P.H.) [Paul Hindemith]
Der Kräuterheilkundige (The Herbalist)
Der Kunstgelehrte (The Art Scholar)[Wilhelm Schäfe]
Der Maler (Painter)[Jankel Adler]
Der Pianist (The Pianist) [Max van de Sandt]
Der Tenor L.A. (The Tenor L.A.)[Leonardo Aramesco]
Evangelischer Geistlicher (Protestant Minister)
Geldbriefträger (Registered Letter Mailman)
Großindustrieller. Kommerzienrat A.v.G, Köln (Industrial Magnate Commercial Councilor A.v.G, Cologne) [Arnold von Guilleaume]
Grosskaufmann mit Gattin (Wholesale Merchant and Wife)
Gymnasiast (High School Student)
Handlanger (Brick Layer)
Hirte (Shepherd)
Jugendbewegung (Youth Movement)
Jungbauern (Young Farmers)
Junge Mutter, bürgerlich (Young Mother, Middle-class)
Katholischer Geistlicher (Catholic Priest)
Kleinstadtbürger, Monschäuer (Middle-Class Couple, Monschau)
Kommunistischer Führer (Communist Leader)[Paul Frölich]
Konditor (Pastry Cook)
Landproletarierkinder (Working-class Country Children)
Lyzealschülerin (High School Girl)
Mutter und Tochter. Bauern- und Bergmannsfrau (Mother and Daughter, Farmer's Wife and Miner's Wife)
Polizeibeamter. Der Herr Wachtmeister (Police Officer)
Preisträger (Prizewinners)
Proletariermutter (Working-class Mother)
Putzfrau (Cleaning Woman)
Revolutionäre (Revolutionaries)
Schankkellner (Bartender)
Schlossermeister (Master Locksmith)
Schriftsteller und Literaturkritiker D.H.S. (Writer and Literary Critic D.H.S) [Dettmar Heinrich Sarnetzki]
Werkstudenten (Working Students)
Westerwälder Bauer (Westerwald Farmer)
Zöllner (Customs Officers)