Südafrika, 1922–1987
Singarum "Kitty" Jeevaruthnam Moodley wurde 1922 als Sohn einer indianischen Familie in der Provinz KwaZulu-Natal (Südafrika) geboren. Nachdem er als Maschinist in einer Schuhfabrik gearbeitet hatte, gründete er 1957 sein familiengeführtes Fotostudio in Pietermaritzburg. Als aktives Mitglied seiner Gemeinde und leidenschaftlicher Gegner der Apartheid leitete er Kitty’s Studio bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1987. Seine Fotografien bieten einen eindrucksvollen und erfrischenden Blick auf die südafrikanische Gesellschaft der Apartheid-Ära und erweitern die Geschichte des Studioporträts in Afrika. Nach seinem Tod erwarb Campbell Collections in Durban, die jetzt zur Universität von KwaZulu-Natal gehört, viele Negative des Studios. Rund 1.400 Negative – alles Bilder, die nicht in die historische Sammlung passten – wurden aus dem Archiv entfernt und letztlich von einen Professor der Columbia University, Dr. Steven C. Dubin, dem Mitorganisator der Ausstellung Who I Am: Rediscovered Portraits from Apartheid South Africa (2016), übernommen.
[Back view of woman wearing traditional attire]
[Boy in a wicker chair]
[Family portrait]
[Girl wearing checkered dress with telephone]
[Husband and wife holding hands]
[Kneeling man wearing traditional attire]
[Man wearing beret, with floral decoration]
[Man wearing peace-sign necklace]
[Man wearing traditional attire and furs holding staff]
[Man with briefcase bearing Biblical quote]
[Man with sideburns]
[Sangoma (traditional healer) in bare feet holding staff]
[Three men dancing in a line]
[Two men with floral decoration and concertina]
[Two men with floral decoration]
[Two women wearing party dresses]
[Two women wearing Western attire]
[Two women wearing Zionist Christian uniforms]
[Two women, one wearing traditional attire]
[Two young men with cigarettes]
[Woman wearing glasses and necklace]
[Woman wearing heeled boots with floral decoration]
[Woman wearing lampshade as hat]
[Woman wearing plaid suit and holding plaid bag]
[Woman wearing short-sleeved dress]
[Woman wearing traditional attire and holding umbrella]
[Woman wearing traditional attire and man, holding hands]
[Woman wearing traditional attire with hat]
[Woman wearing traditional attire with toddler]
[Woman wearing traditional attire]
[Woman wearing Zulu beadwork and holding umbrella]
[Woman wearing Zulu beadwork and men's pants]
[Woman with baby wearing beads]
[Woman with radio]
[Woman with substance applied to face]
[Young man reclining]
[Young man wearing cap with telephone]
[Young woman and man holding hands]